Your Website and Why You Need It!

Some people ask me, “why do I need a web site?”. Even if you’re not selling any products you need to be able to at least sell yourself when the time comes. You never know who will need to hire you. Why not show all your skill and projects you ever worked on? I just so happened to record everything I did in college and in grad school. I always believed that one day everyone will have a website or profile somewhere on the web.

That’s why I took photos and videos of everything I could that was related to my education. You should also buy your name before someone else does. One of the funnies stories I heard related to domain names was the time when one my closest friends told me the story of her not buying her name when she had the chance (to Now if you Google her name, nothing but a single Porn star with the same name pops up.

Even thought she missed the boat on buying her fist and last names she still can buy her name with her middle initial (like You need to buy your name and the names of your children if you can. One day they will all be gone. You and your family would have missed the boat on buying your name especially if it’s something common or is going to be common like or or Ahmed / Mohamed anything. If your name is biblical you can almost forget buying your name without an middle initial. Names like those are beginning to be purchased at an alarming rate. So get yours today.  See the chapter on Domain Names for more information.