Using in is one of the fastest growing network sites around. LinkedIn allows professionally minded people to network with one another. Signing up is pretty easy. It’s no different than any other community site we talked about before so take your time and sign up.

Make sure there are no typos or spelling errors when entering your information. This site is very professional so make sure you’re on your best behavior.  Assume that you’re being reviewed by  potential employers at all times. In a nutshell, LinkedIn allows you to post your resume for everyone to see. LinkedIn also allows you to display information about what you have published or patented. So if you’re the creative type, this is your time to shine.

Although LinkedIn is a community site, it is  not the place for marketing your product or services directly. If it appears that you’re trying to sell something on LinkedIn. It appear as if you are a spammer to some pretty influential people. So not a good idea!

(Screen Shot of My profile)

(Screen Shot of My profile)

Only post things pertaining to yourself and add only people you know when you first start off. Try to add people as soon as you get their business card as well. They will remember you and accept your request  right away.

A couple of things to remember:

Make sure you have a professional photo of yourself.

Note everything you have written or posted that’s relative to your field.

Link all sites that you’re a member of (Facebook, YouTube, Google Buzz, etc.) and make sure the active links are present.

Stay positive at all times.